Are you being you on social media? 🥴

Following the trends is not my thing. 😒

I've taken the courses, followed advice, and am trying to stay on top of what each algorithm says I need to do. Yet I am still constantly not satisfied with my output. Which is ridiculous, and I know it, but I'm impatient.

Sticking to what works for you is the best way to move forward each day, I'm convinced. The second I stop focusing on crossing off the "must do lists" and start focusing on the "I wanna dos list", I see change. Immediately!

The truth is I'm not traditional, I don't fit into a mold, nor do I care to. And neither do you! If you've opted into my newsletter, than you're on a journey for change, for growth, and are taking many steps to level up!

The second I put a little more me into the thing I'm doing I see feedback. For example, I've been posting on Instagram and TikTok daily (if I can) and I'm not sure it's creating value, which is my end goal. But today I posted a super quick video on IG on my thoughts as if keyword research was something we did in real life before we made decisions. 👇

I got the most immediate feedback, DMs and comments I have ever received on any of the posts I've been sharing. If you're curious to watch what I had to say click the image or button to hear my new found "technique".

Maybe I cracked the code for my content type? Truly I think that we just all need is to be more unique. When it comes to my content I'm aware that SEO isn't super sexy or exciting to most people. I've built the last decade of my life around it so I get a little more jazzed talking about it than most. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Now on to exciting stuff! I'm so close to the launch of my course/community site and I can't wait to roll it out! In about a week I'll be doing some BETA testing to make sure it's good enough to share. I will have resources, a shiny new course on how to build your custom website from scratch (and not on lame platform that holds you back from REAL SEO success). Additionally, I'm creating a community space where members can share tips, support one another and maybe even collaborate!

Who knows! I did a podcast yesterday for CanvasRebel and honestly the opportunity landed in my lap due to collaboration! Now their audience gets to hopefully find value in what I'm sharing.

I've been working on some resources for the new site and wanted to share them here. If you're interested please click on the links below and if you have a moment I'd really appreciate your feedback on them and how or if they have helped you!

Free Downloads ⚡️

Create a Landing Page that Rocks and Ranks

Free Content Audit

Have a great day fellow badass,

PO Box 326, Hurricane, UT 84737
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Amber Goetz | SEO Wingwoman

Hey I'm Amber, a seasoned marketing and SEO consultant specializing in helping adventurous entrepreurs learn SEO and own their digital storefronts. With a keen focus on strategy and foundational SEO, I bring a no-gimmick approach to the table. My new course BYOBw empowers solorpeneurs and entrepreneurs to take control of their digital storefront and ditch the big software brands! My expertise lies in crafting tailored solutions that drive impactful results, ensuring brands navigate the competitive market with precision and flourish in the adventurous realm of business.

Read more from Amber Goetz | SEO Wingwoman

Readerwelcome to another edition of "Why Your 9-5 Sucks and You Should Chase Your Dreams and Build a Website Instead." Today, we're diving into a topic hotter than your boss's temper during budget cuts: website builders. Spoiler alert—Squarespace and Wix are like those pre-made sandwiches at the gas station: convenient, but ultimately disappointing. Limitations: The unmentioned truth about Squarespace and Wix Let's be real—Squarespace and Wix are the digital equivalent of fast food. Sure,...