Control Issues? Me too......

Readerwelcome to another edition of "Why Your 9-5 Sucks and You Should Chase Your Dreams and Build a Website Instead." Today, we're diving into a topic hotter than your boss's temper during budget cuts: website builders. Spoiler alert—Squarespace and Wix are like those pre-made sandwiches at the gas station: convenient, but ultimately disappointing.

Limitations: The unmentioned truth about Squarespace and Wix

Let's be real—Squarespace and Wix are the digital equivalent of fast food. Sure, they’re easy and quick, but do you really want to base your dream site on something with the creative freedom of a beige cubicle? Here are some reasons why these platforms are as restrictive as the office dress code:

  1. Customization? What's That?: These platforms offer about as much flexibility as a brick. Want to tweak something beyond their limited options? Good luck with that.
  2. Scalability? Hardly: As your site grows, you'll hit a wall faster than a hamster in a cage. Their scalability is about as impressive as my cat's ability to fetch.
  3. Platform Dependence: Your site's functionality is as tied to their whims as you are to your boss's vacation schedule. No choice of where your site is hosted and all that comes with that freedom (SPEED, Google's #1 ranking factor).
  4. SEO and Performance Constraints: Trying to optimize SEO and performance on these platforms is like trying to win a race in a go-kart with a flat tire. There just isn't the resources available that you need to fully optimize your website and content.

Why Full Control Matters: Unleash Your Inner Web Wizard

Having full control over your website is like having the keys to the kingdom. Here's why:

  1. Customization Galore: Imagine a world where you can change anything you want— this is possible with the BYOBw Course.
  2. Scalability at Your Fingertips: Grow your website without worrying about invisible barriers.
  3. SEO Superpowers: Gain the upper hand in search engine rankings with customizable SEO settings.
  4. Performance Optimization: Ensure your website runs as smoothly as a buttered slide.

Enter WordPress + Elementor: The Dynamic Duo

For those of you ready to ditch the amateur hour and step up your game, I introduce you to WordPress + Elementor. This combination is like upgrading from a tricycle to a Harley Davidson. If you click that link not only will you get to see me explain SEO with my motorcycle, you'll also get a direct link to my Instagram account where I share SEO tips in quick easy to digest videos.

  1. Endless Customization: Thousands of themes and plugins await your command.
  2. Scalability for Days: Build a site that grows with you.
  3. SEO-Friendly: WordPress is the undisputed king of SEO.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface makes you feel like a web wizard.

If you're ready for this level of freedom then I challenge you to sign up for my BYOBw waitlist. All the freedom and flexibility you could ever want.


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Amber Goetz | SEO Wingwoman

Hey I'm Amber, a seasoned marketing and SEO consultant specializing in helping adventurous entrepreurs learn SEO and own their digital storefronts. With a keen focus on strategy and foundational SEO, I bring a no-gimmick approach to the table. My new course BYOBw empowers solorpeneurs and entrepreneurs to take control of their digital storefront and ditch the big software brands! My expertise lies in crafting tailored solutions that drive impactful results, ensuring brands navigate the competitive market with precision and flourish in the adventurous realm of business.

Read more from Amber Goetz | SEO Wingwoman

Following the trends is not my thing. 😒 I've taken the courses, followed advice, and am trying to stay on top of what each algorithm says I need to do. Yet I am still constantly not satisfied with my output. Which is ridiculous, and I know it, but I'm impatient. Sticking to what works for you is the best way to move forward each day, I'm convinced. The second I stop focusing on crossing off the "must do lists" and start focusing on the "I wanna dos list", I see change. Immediately! The truth...